1957, born in Sverdlovsk, USSR (now Ekaterinburg, Russia).
1979, graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Biology, Department of Entomology. 1979–1982, postgraduate at Borissiak Paleontological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences. 1983, PhD (biology) degree for the thesis on the early evolution of Hemiptera Auchenorrhyncha. 1982–now, researcher at the Arthropoda Lab, same institute. 2001–now, PI of five 3-year projects supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (evolution and paleobiogeography of insects, Carboniferous to Triassic insect faunas, end-Permian extinction). Membership: Moscow Society of Naturalists, Russian Entomological Society.
Research interests: paleontology and evolution of Hemiptera, Diptera, Dermaptera, other orders, and insects in general; Paleozoic and Mesozoic ecosystems; mass extinctions. Over 100 scientific publications (see profile at Google Scholar). Presentations at international congresses and conferences (1988–now). Head or participant of numerous expeditions (1980–now).