1996-2001 - undergraduate student at the Faculty of Biology, Perm State University, Perm. Graduated from the University with the master diploma.
2001-now - Postgraduate education at the Paleontological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow.
Scientific interests:
Taxonomy and morphology of the order Grylloblattida (Insecta) in the Permian and Triassic
Application of insects to stratigraphy.
The Diploma of the International George Soros Science Education Program of 1999 and 2000.
The State Science grant for gifted young scientists of Russia of 2000-2003.
Winner of Young Scientists, Postgraduate and Undergraduate Students Competition, 2003 (Russian Foundation for Basic Research).
Special Award by H. Rausing Foundation for the best palaeontological work in 2003.
Aug. 2000 - Lower Permian continental deposits, Perm Region, Russia. Expedition of Perm State University headed by Dr V.G. Novokshonov.
Jun. 2002 - Upper Permian continental deposits, Orenburg Region, Russia. Expedition of Paleontological Institute headed by Dr D.E. Shcherbakov.
Aug. 2002 - Upper Jurassic continental deposits, Chita Region, Russia. Expedition of Paleontological Institute headed by Dr D.E. Shcherbakov.
Jul. 2004 - Cretaceous continental deposits, Buryatia. Expedition of Paleontological Institute headed by Dr D.E. Shcherbakov.
Sep. 2004 - Upper Permian continental deposits, Vladimir Region. Expedition of Paleontological Institute headed by Dr D.E. Shcherbakov.
Participations in projects:
Morphological, ecological and biogeographical aspects of insect evolution at the transition from Paleozoic to Mesozoic (Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project no. 01-04-48925, 2001-2002)
Insects in the mid-Permian and geographical differentiation of Late Permian entomofaunas (Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project no. 04-04-48296, 2004-2006)
Participations in local conferences:
Aristov D.S. About individual development of Paleozoic grylloblattid (Insecta: Grylloblattida: Atactophlebiidae) Gurianovella silphidoides G.Zal. In: Geology of the Western Urals on the brink of 21 century. Perm University - Perm, 1999. P. 179-180. (In Russian)
Aristov D.S. Novokshonov V.G. Morphology of Sylvidelia latipennis Martynov, 1940 (Insecta: Grylloblattida: Ideliidae) from Lower Permian of Urals. In: Geology and minerals resources of the Western Urals. Perm University - Perm, 2000. P. 138-141. (In Russian)
VI All-Russian Trichopterological symposium, I All-Russian symposium amphbiotic and aquatic insects. Voronezh, 2000.
Aristov D.S. Novokshonov V.G. Pan'kov N.N. Comments on the origin of stoneflies (Plecoptera). In: Fauna, problems of ecology, ethology and physiology of amphbiotic and aquatic insects of Russia. Voronezh, 2000. - P. 43-46. (In Russian)
Aristov D.S. Change of fauna grylloblattid insects on the Permian-Triassic Boundary. In: Paleontology and stratigraphy of the Permian and the Triassic of the northern Eurasia. Moscow, 2002. - P. 30 (In Russian)
XLVIII session of the palaeontological society S. Petersburg, 2002
Aristov D.S. Stratigraphical significance grylloblattid insects of the family Tomiidae. In: Problems of biochronology in paleontology and geology. St. Petersburg, 2002 - P. 10-11 (In Russian)
Aristov D.S. 1998. A new species of the Permian genus Kungurmica (Grylloblattida: Permembiidae). Far Eastern Entomologist. 65: 15-16.
Aristov D.S. 1999. On the Postembryonic Development of a Paleozoic Grylloblattid (Insecta: Grylloblattida: Atactophlebiidae) Gurianovella silphidoides G. Zal. In: Proceedings of the Regional Scientific Conference on the Geology of the Western Ural Mountains at the Threshold of the 21st Century, Perm Univ., Perm, 1999, pp. 179–180. (in Russian)
Aristov D.S. 1999. Ornaticosta tchekardensis n. sp., the first representative of the Liomopteridae (Insecta: Grylloblattida) from the Lower Permian of Chekarda (Urals). N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Mh. 12: 725-727.
Novokshonov V.G., Aristov D.S. 1999. Gryloblattids of the genus Sylvaella (Insecta: Grylloblattida) from the Lower Permian of Chekarda. Perm State Univ. Herald. Ser. Geology. 3: 109-114. (In Russian)
Storozhenko S.Yu., Aristov D.S. 1999. New genus of the family Liomopteridae (Insecta: Grylloblattida) from the Lower Permian of Russia. Far Eastern Entomologist. 76: 6-8.
Aristov D.S. 2000. Grylloblattids of the family Megakhosaridae (Insecta: Grylloblattida) from the Lower Permian of Chekarda. Paleontol. J. 2: 69-71.[Abstract]
Aristov D.S. 2000. A new family of the Early Permian grylloblattids (Insecta: Grylloblattida) from Ural Moutains. Far Eastern Entomologist. 85: 1-4. [Abstract] [PDF]
Aristov D.S. 2000. New insects of the Order Grylloblattida (Insecta) from the Lower Permian of the Middle Urals. Paleontol. J. 5: 48-50.[Abstract]
Novokshonov V.G., Pan’kov N.N., Aristov D.S. 2000. Comments on the Origin of Stoneflies (Plecoptera). In: Fauna and Problems of Ecology, Ethology, and Physiology of Amphibious and Aquatic Insects of Russia. Proceedings of VI All-Russia Symposium on Trichopterans, I All-Russia Symposium on Amphibious and Aquatic Insects, Voronezh, 2000, pp. 43–46. (in Russian).
Aristov D.S. 2001. A new representative of Lemmatophoridae (Insecta: Grylloblattida) from Lower Permian of Russia (Ural). N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Mh. 5: 257-264.
Lozovski V.R., Afonin S.A., Ponomarenko A.G., Sherbakov D.E., Aristov D.S., Yaroshenko O.P., Kuchtinov D.A., Burov B.V., Buslovich A.L. 2001. On separation of a new bench in the composition of the Vochminsk formation of Moscow syneclise. Bull. RISC on central and south of Russian platform. 3: 151-163. (In Russian)
Aristov D.S. 2002. Grylloblattids of the family Ideliidae (Insecta: Grylloblattida) from the Lower Permian of Urals (Chekarda). Paleontol. J. 1: P. 47-50.[Abstract]
Novokshonov V.G., Ivanov V.V., Aristov D.S. 2002. New insects (Insecta) from the Upper Permian of the Urals. Paleontol. J. 2: 39-43.[Abstract]
Novokshonov V.G., Aristov D.S. 2002. New and little-known Permian insects (Grylloblattida; Orthoptera) from the Chekarda locality (Middle Urals). Paleontol. J. 6: 73-77. [Abstract]
Aristov D.S. 2003. Revision of the family Tomiidae (Insecta: Grylloblattida). Paleontol. J. 1: 32-39.[PDF]
Aristov D.S. 2004. Grylloblattids of the Family Chaulioditidae (= Tomiidae syn. nov.) (Insecta: Grylloblattida) from the Upper Permian of the Orenburg Region. Paleontol. J. 38(Suppl.2): 146-149. [Abstract] [PDF]
Aristov D.S. 2004. Grylloblattids of the Family Liomopteridae (Insecta: Grylloblattida) of the Upper Half of the Upper Permian. Paleontol. J. 38(Suppl.2): 150-157. [Abstract] [PDF1] [PDF2] [PDF3]
Aristov D.S. 2004. The Fauna of Grylloblattid Insects (Grylloblattida) from the End of the Late Permian to the First Half of the Triassic. Paleontol. J. 38(5): 514-521. [PDF]
Aristov D.S. 2004. Peculiarities of grylloblattid insects during the transition from the Permian to the Triassic. In: Ecosystem transformations and the evolution of the biosphere, Paleontological Institute, Moscow. 6: 137-140. (in Russian) [PDF]
Novokshonov V.G., Aristov D.S. 2004. New Taxa of Hypoperlids (Insecta: Hypoperlida) from the Upper Permian of the Arkhangelsk Region. Paleontol. J. 38(1): 60-66. [Abstract]
Novokshonov V.G., Sukacheva I.D., Aristov D.S.. 2004. An Early Triassic Scorpionfly (Panorpida = Mecoptera) of the Vologda Region. Paleontol. J. 38(Suppl.2): 214-215. [Abstract] [PDF]
Rasnitsyn A.P., Aristov D.S. 2004. Two New Insects from the Upper Permian (Tatarian) of Belmont, New South Wales, Australia (Insecta: Hypoperlida: Anthracoptilidae = Permarrhaphidae; Grylloblattida: Sylvaphlebiidae). Paleontol. J. 38(Suppl.2): 158-163. [Abstract] [PDF1] [PDF2] [PDF3]
Rasnitsyn A.P., Aristov D.S., Gorochov A.V., Rowland J.M., Sinitshenkova N.D. 2004. Important new insect fossils from Carrizo Arroyo and the Permo-Carboniferous faunal boundary. New Mexico Mus. Natur. Hist. Bull. 25: 215-246.
Aristov D.S. 2005. A succession of Palaeozoic and Mesozoic grylloblattid faunas (Insecta; Grylloblattida). In: Modern Russian palaeontology: classical and progressive methods. Paleontological Institute, Moscow, p. 116-128. (in Russian)
Aristov D.S. 2005. New Grylloblattids (Insecta: Grylloblattida) from the Triassic of Eastern Europe, Eastern Kazakhstan and Mongolia. Paleontol. J. 39(2): 173-177. [Abstract] [PDF]
Rasnitsyn A.P., Sukacheva I.D., and Aristov D.S. 2005. Permian insects of the Vorkuta Group in the Pechora Basin, and their stratigraphic implications. Paleontol. J. 39(4): 404-416. [Abstract] [PDF]
Aristov D.S., Novokshonov V.G., and Pan'kov N.N. 2006. Taxonomy of the fossil grylloblattid nymphs (Insecta: Grylloblattida). Paleontol. J. 40 (1): 79-89. [Abstract] [PDF]
Aristov D.S. 2008. New grylloblattids of the family Megakhosaridae (Insecta: Grylloblattida) from the Permian of Russia. Paleontol. J.42 (3): 269-272. [Abstract] [English PDF] [Russian PDF]
Aristov D.S. 2008. New Grylloblattida (Insecta) from the Middle and Upper Permian of the Russia. Far Eastern entomologist188: 1-7. [PDF]
Aristov D.S. 2008. New Tatarian representatives of the subfamily Chaulioditinae (Insecta: Grylloblattida: Chaulioditidae) from European Russia. Paleontol. J.42 (1): 32-35. [Abstract] [English PDF] [Russian PDF]
Aristov D.S. 2008. Revision of the Permian genus Parasylviodes Martynov, 1940 (Grylloblattida: Liomopteridae). Far Eastern entomologist186: 1-5. [PDF]
Aristov D.S and Bashkuev A.S. 2008. New insects (Insecta: Mecoptera, Grylloblattida) from the Middle Permian Chepanikha locality, Udmurtia. Paleontol. J.42 (2): 159-165. [Abstract] [English PDF] [Russian PDF]
Aristov D.S. and Rasnitsyn A.P. 2008. Position and taxonomy of the Permian fossil insect family Permembiidae (Insecta: Palaeomanteida = Miomoptera). Russian Entomological Journal17 (4): 327–334. [PDF]
Aristov D.S. 2009. A new family of order Grylloblattida (Insecta) from the Middle Permian of Russia. Paleontological Journal43 (2): 178-182. [Abstract] [English PDF] [Russian PDF]
Aristov D.S. 2009. New grylloblattids of the family Lemmatophoridae (Insecta: Grylloblattida) from the Permian of Russia. Paleontological Journal43 (3): 272-276. [Abstract] [English PDF] [Russian PDF]
Aristov D.S. 2009. New Permian grylloblattids (Insecta: Grylloblattida) from Isady locality (Severodvinian Stage of Vologda Region). Russian Entomological Journal18 (1): 17-22.
Aristov D.S., Prevec R., and Mostovski M.B. 2009. New and poorly known grylloblattids (Insecta: Grylloblattida) from the Lopingian of the Lebombo Basin, South Africa. African Invertebrates50 (2): 279-286. [Abstract] [PDF]
Aristov D.S., Wappler T., and Rasnitsyn A.P. 2009. New and little known grylloblattids of the family Geinitziidae (Insecta: Grylloblattida) from the Triassic and Jurassic of Europe, Asia, and South Africa. Paleontological Journal43 (4): 418-424. [Abstract] [PDF]
Aristov D.S. and Zessin W. 2009. Mallorcagryllus hispanicus n. gen. et sp. eine neue Grylloblattide (Insecta: Grylloblattida: Blattogryllidae) aus dem Buntsandstein der Insel Mallorca, Spanien. Virgo, Mitteilungsblatt des Entomologischen Vereins Mecklenburg12 (1): 30-34. (in German, with English and Russian abstracts) [PDF]
Aristov D.S. A new euryptilonids (Insecta: Grylloblattida: Euryptilonidae) from the Lower Permian of Russia. N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Mh. (in press)
Novokshonov V.G., Aristov D.S. Some little-known grylloblattids (Insecta: Grylloblattida) from the Lower Permian of Chekarda (Perm Region). Perm State Univ. Herald. Ser. Geology. (in press) (In Russian)